Saturday, March 13, 2010

Girls Do Dare

These days I am reading a new book, which is albeit different from many of the works one sees around these days. The book titled ‘Where girls dare’ chronicles life of female cadets inside military training academy and well captures the challenging military life, moreso for a female, by the main protagonist the author herself. To be honest the book is a bit boring, after reading all the shit by new age authors coming out nowadays which have a good sprinkling of sleaze and sex and are mostly centered on the life of single chicks living lavishly in metros, this one looks a bit insipid. However this does not take away one bit of the effort put in describing the hard military life borne bravely by the tender gender.

Life in a military academy can be tough for anyone to cope with, and the book narrates the gory details in which miniscule errors are also handed out harsh physical punishments. To undergo this baptism by fire, one has to first keep ego aside and be acceptable to getting persecuted at any time day and night; something which is not easy for anyone, howsoever brave and Bond like one maybe, to undergo

In a way the book is a refreshing change and throws good light on the ability of the new age female, who can take on tough physical grind as well. I remember in my first job, our team was taken to a hill resort nearby and adventure sports were a part of the schedule. To my surprise all girls out did the boys by doing tough sports with ease while we boys were left panting and some like me gave up before starting. In the evening bonfire, girls again outdid guys by soon wiping all Bacardi we had got

Perhaps this indeed is the age of modern day daring girls, who do lead a not-so-long-ago unthinkably bold life. Many of my female acquaintances live independent lives, change boyfriends, call me home for drinks and fags, have uninhibited sex and never deny having done it. But don’t get me wrong, this is a change for the positive. We all want a fair society and only an equal society can be fair for all, and also good for all


  1. That book sounds interesting.

    Was the book referring to the military in India ?

  2. sounds interesting.... I shall take a look into it :-)

  3. Ek do ek.. I was a cadet once. Lol.

  4. It takes allot of ignorance and suppressing anger to be that independent in this society, because people still have a problem accepting you the way you are.

    I would not even want being 'appreciated' or acknowledged for my independence because I do not do that for the men around me. And when people start treating the independent women normally without raised eyebrows and applause do they really become independent. Till then, they are still struggling.


  5. Absolutely, the new age woman out does man with ease!!

  6. cheers to that fairness and equality

  7. independence isn't all about having an apartment to urself, n possessing the liberty to fag, booze or change partners... it is about being yourself, without being bothered about what the world wants you to be...

  8. pesto you know there is something amazingly powerful and sexy about demi moore in G I Joe?? seen it???

  9. Hope we see the fairness in ever strata of the society!!!

    And you forgot to mention women are going to get a plump majority in Government too soon!

  10. It will be hard to find this book here.. I checked the library here and they don't have it.. got to hit the bookstore.. I always look book recommendations.

  11. You have nice opinions about the fairer sex...yes, in this male dominated society i guess it's tough..but i salute those women who are making their ways amidst the laid challenges

  12. a girl just might take interest and read this :)

  13. Interesting thoughts :) Intersting Blog!
